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3/4 cups Nuts (Almonds, Pecans, Hazelnuts etc.)
1 1/2 cups Granulated Sugar
2 Tablespoons Butter
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
You can either use individual nut flours for this recipe or use whole nuts. If you do not have access to individual nut flours, you can use a food processor to make your own. To make it, simply put nuts in a food processor and pulverize until you obtain a flour-like consistency. Add in salt and mix until combined.

In a small saucepan, prepare your sugar syrup by heating the sugar over low heat. Stirring often until there are no more visible sugar granules.
Remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the butter. Be careful, the sugar will be very hot. When you mix in the butter, it will bubble. Keep stirring until the butter has melted and is well incorporated. The mixture will become translucent.
Next, stir in the nut flour mixture. The mixture will slowly become more opaque. Keep stirring until everything is well incorporated.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spoon rounds of your hot praline mixture onto the baking sheet (be careful not to touch the syrup, it will be very hot). The size of your dollops will depend on your cooking project.
Let cool and harden. Enjoy!
If ever you want to reheat the praline so that it is pliable, either put your saucepan back onto the stove on low heat or put your baking sheet into the oven at 300F for 1-2 minutes. Use caution when handling.